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Friday, May 21, 2010

Wisdom In My Apron Pocket

“Where’s my apron?” -my 8-year-old stepdaughter, Sydney, asked after the church meeting. I looked at her, pondering her question.
Early that morning, my two stepdaughters and I were to attend a ladies luncheon at our church. The theme was “Wisdom In My Apron Pocket.” Ladies were encouraged to wear their aprons. There would be an Apron Fashion Show.  

I had found a plain apron and on the day of the event I started to decorate it. I asked Sydney and her 12 year-old sister Claire if they wanted to help decorating my apron. I thought it might be a fun activity for the three of us.  

And, it certainly was.  

Our minds connected in our singular world to decorate the apron. Creativity splashed out with ideas as our hands crafted what our minds envisioned. Vibrant colors and shapes, blending magically on the canvas of the plain apron. No doubt, we were having a great time.

I asked the girls if they would like to have their own aprons to wear at the luncheon, but the girls declined. “Do they think aprons are only for older ladies?”--I wondered. 

The idea of the apron was so unique. The church ladies couldn’t have come up with any better theme for the occasion. Viewing my apron was like going back in time to some of my most beautiful memories in life: time with my mother and grandmother. I still can picture them in my mind, wearing their own aprons while cooking our meals, taking care of our home, and even while bathing us. 
The apron revived memories of my mom and grandma sewing.  I felt as if I could hear the sewing machine churning as my grandma pedaled it, with a rhythm that synched with my heart beats of happiness, while I watched her create from a pile of cut cloth a new summer dress I would  wear on Sunday to church, and later to the park for a walk. 

Their aprons symbolized coziness, protection, modesty. There was always something in their pockets. I often hoped for them to dig in their apron pockets, and find one or two coins: my reward for behaving, and the key to the treats in the candy store down the street.  

I too had an apron. My grandma made one for me. I had worn it proudly. But I think I forgot about my apron in my pre-adolescent years. I can understand Claire and Sydney not wanting to wear aprons. Aprons are vintage fashion after all, aren’t they? 

But just as my memories had come to the present from the past, once my stepdaughters and I had finished decorating the apron, we all three became excited. We shared a feeling of pride and satisfaction, praising ourselves for our creation.  We had crafted little dresses and sewed on the apron.

They resembled the ones my mom and grandmother had sewn for me, those many years ago.  

The apron fashion show at the church was wonderful. A lot of beautiful and meaningful aprons were modeled and explained. A few aprons were given away as prizes. Claire won one. She put it on. I had mine on, too. 

So, when the event was over, and as we were leaving, I looked at Sydney.  I could see in here eyes that she was still wondering, “Where’s my apron?”  I took my apron off and knelt next to her.  I hung the apron over her neck and said,  “Sydney, this is your apron.”  She yelped,  “Yeah! Can I keep it?” with wide eyes and a grin. 

Of course,” I said, "I made it for you. 


Mary Aalgaard said...

Sweet story. I love how the apron is used to connect women, past, present, and future.

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I love this! My mother and grandmother wore aprons. My grandmother made my twin sister and I aprons when we were little. Now, my Baby Boo is wearing my apron from when I was little.

They have some really cute and fashionable aprons now. I think they are cute enough to almost wear out. Maybe you can make it a fashion statement??

Unknown said...

Thanks for the lovely story. Such a feeling to say, 'Let me put on my apron...' It signals we are about to do something. Happy Aprons Day!

Terri Tiffany said...

That was beautiful and so was that apron. What a oool idea to do with women, I have an apron I bought with my daughter in Seattle and love it. I wear it only though if I am baking bread or something really messy.

Miley said...

What a sweet story! I always love reading what it is you have to post. Even the simple things are so insightful :)

I gave you an award - check it out

Pecados da mesa said...

Uauauau avental bonito!
Congratulações pelo blog.

Maria Paula -BRASIL -

Aubrie said...

What a beautiful story! I need an apron I don't have one and my cooking gets all over my clothes!

I'm a follower now :)

Pecados da mesa said...

Muito obrigado pela sua visita em Pecados da Mesa e ser minha seguidora no BRASIL!!!

Obrigado! Thank You!
Maria Paula

Cliff Harrison said...

That's cute!

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Thanks all of you for your sweet comments. It makes my day :-))
Cliff, I tried to post a comment on your blog, but I didn't see that option. I wanted you to know I was catching up with your posts.
Maria Paula, thanks for your compliments. I loved visiting your blog, your recipes and pictures look soooo yummy!!

Linda said...

Hi Doris,
What a sweet post and thank you for sharing! And Happy Apron Day!!
Hope your weekend was good.

Natasha said...

What a lovely post.
When I was about six, my best dress was a green and white gingham, with huge red buttons, and a frilly white apron with the same red buttons.
Haven't thought about that dress for years, but your post reminded me.
Every little girl deserves an apron made with love.

Priya Shankar said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and really enjoyed this story. It seems like we're both into social work and activism, so it's great to read about the experiences other individuals have with it. I'm really looking forward to reading more about the work you do, and reading more of your reflections!

Unknown said...

Beautiful story. My daughter had me make her a special apron from some fabric she found. It was about a year ago. She wore it for something at her church and I thought - she'll put it away and forget all about it. But, a few days ago we were there (she lives three hours north of us) for a short visit and the apron was hanging right there in her kitchen. I think it's more a part of her decor than something she uses, but she's enjoying it and I felt good about ALL THE WORK THAT THING WAS! Hee hee hee!